Friday, March 22, 2013

At Maple Lake - Spring

(C) R.L.K.
Not anything I made, not these brief things,
but things I saw about the natural world:
I wish that these could hold there, never be gone.
- William Bronk

birdsong drifts downhill;
the maples show a gauzy
green haze of leaftips
while a silver mist shimmers
over the lake at sunrise

Friday, March 1, 2013

Stepping Out for Another Evening

(C) R.L.K.

Day's work done, day's
last light draining
into the street.
Now, you pause a
moment, silent
on the weathered
stair, and wonder:
what is it that
remains of so
much coming and
going? Just the
wind, the motion
of memories?
Just that then. Just.