Wednesday, December 12, 2018

At the Depot

(C) R.L.K.

Tatters of brown leaves
against a frigid blue sky.
Late afternoon, an
hour between trains. Here we are,
waiting to be gone once more.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Time And Place

(C) R.L.K.

Over the old pond,
a cold autumn sun
high in a blue sky,
and a mist lifted
by the wind. A slow
lonesome morning. Here
and there in the park,
leaves are falling. Like
a dry rain, leaves keep
falling on the grass.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Nostalgia Perhaps

(C) R.L.K.


End of a long day:
on an old street, in an old
city, lingering
sunlight slowly sifts through a
canopy of elm branches.


A warm night, almost
already a memory;
white glow of streetlights
over low roofs, tree-shadows
dark on the sidewalks and lawns.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Spring Fragments

(C) R.L.K.

A haze of first
leaf, green against
the blue of an
April sky.

Sunlight slanting,
into the grass.

This morning, after
rain, the windows

Friday, February 23, 2018

Illinois Scenes

(C) R.L.K.


Strange shapes of small clouds
reflected in river ice;
on a distant hill,
stark white in winter daylight,
a row of snow-dusted trees.


Misty morning rain
falls, then stops, then falls again
on the prairie grass;
veiled yellow light comes and goes
with the drifting of the clouds.