Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December Mood

(C) R.L.K.

Again the night comes,
sodden with winter. The light
from a streetlamp falls
on the old snow heaped beside
the curb. Clouds loiter above.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Time And Sentiment

(C) R.L.K.

Broken clouds float through
a pale blue sky. We're
into autumn now,
a sad old story:
cold winds, crumpled leaves
to come.
               But for now,
some warmth remains, and
all the young birch trees
beside the river
glimmer whitely in
the soft light of an
October morning.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Just This Morning

(C) R.L.K.

A pale sun over
the willows at the water's
edge; a wind so slow
it can't part leaf from leaf: so
faintly has this day begun.

Friday, July 15, 2016

It So Happens

(C) R.L.K.

Bright sunlight streams through
the gaps in a broken fence
after a hard rain;
from a nearby gnarled tree
a small bird begins to sing.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

As If - And When

(C) R.L.K.

For a long moment
the dusk, which has been drifting
lower, seems to pause
while the curved oak trees form strange
silhouettes against the sky

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mere Poetry (Syllables for Spring)

(C) R.L.K.

The simple act of
noticing something:
the sound of a breeze
through the gauzy green
trees, or the way a
small patch of sunlight
has been lingering
on my front porch this
April afternoon.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

For Now

(C) R.L.K.

Winter lingers. The old paths
are useless now, obscured by
fallen snow. No one comes or
goes beneath the leafless trees.
So we wait, in a world at
pause, just as spring is waiting
on the far side of the clouds.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


(C) R.L.K.

in winter,      a sadness
from some-
              see it
in the
or no-flow
of the river /    hear it
in the surging
of the wind
that is
urging you home